eDesk Updates

We've improved the AI-powered ticket summary

by Darren Heaphy
If you have eDesk AI active on your account you’ll know that at any point within a ticket you can generate an AI-powered summary. We’ve changed the behaviour of this capability, now you’ll receive the AI-powered summary in a modal window

eDesk AI just got smarter!

by Darren Heaphy
Great news. Our AI Assist and HandsFree classifications just got better. We’re adding over 15 new classifications. More classifications results in faster, smarter, better replies By leveraging a broader set of classifications, we can

Edit customer name in Customer View

by Noor Saleh
We’ve added the option where you can edit the customer’s name is Customer View in 1 quick step so you can identify the customer in your dashboard more accurately or even customize it. Step by step guide: Go to Customer View from the left

Introducing eDesk AI ✨ The next generation of customer support is here!

by Noor Saleh
We are excited to announce the launch of eDesk AI and our latest AI-powered features! From AI-driven summaries and sentiment analysis, to AI-assisted replies and HandsFree auto responses, eDesk AI is revolutionizing customer support. This

Improved filter modal for effortless data sorting in mailbox

by Noor Saleh
We've made some improvements to the filter modal to help you save time by quickly sorting and finding the data you need. We've enhanced the quick filter icons/layout, moved the create filter button, and tidied up the saved filter options

We've improved the way you collaborate using external messages

by Noor Saleh
We’ve improved some functionalities of external messages in eDesk so that you can collaborate more efficiently. You can now add CC and BCC in the reply box to collaborate with others in your message. eDesk will also remember the email

New filters and note-taking improvements in Customer View

by Noor Saleh
We're delighted to share an improvement update to eDesk's Customer View where you can now filter customers by channel they come from, their details, whether they have placed an order or whether they have created tickets, and

eBay username - new mailbox column added

by Noor Saleh
We’ve added eBay username as a new mailbox column so you can easily see and manage your eBay tickets straight from the mailbox. To add it, click on Customise Table Layout from the top right corner of your mailbox. Click on Add a new

You can now download a report on the products creating the most tickets in eDesk

by Noor Saleh
With this option, you can now download a CSV report from the Product section in Insights, so you can have full control of your data, present it and track it how you like.