eDesk Updates

New User log report now available!

by Maura C
Our Report Extracts now include a 'User Log' report, allowing you to quickly generate detailed reports for all or individual users with just a few clicks. We've retained the familiar column headings from the Enterprise reports, so

Handy Hint for Your Message Rules!

by Maura C
Did you know that you can insert an OR condition in your Message Rules using the pipe (|) symbol? If you have a list of emails you want to mark as Spam, use the | symbol to insert them into your Rule without creating a new 'Email

New SLA Breaches Report now available!

by Maura C
Stay on top of your customer care performance with our latest SLA Breaches Report in your Report Extracts. This report lists all tickets that breached SLA, helping you identify areas needing improvement in response times. Download

Did you know you can now filter by AI classification!

by Maura C
You can now filter by AI classifications in the mailbox, enabling you to answer all tickets in that classification quickly - or in one go if you choose! You can also pin that AI classification to the sidebar for easy access in the future

Introducing Ava, eDesk's AI agent for eCommerce

by Darren Heaphy
We are thrilled to introduce Ava, a cutting-edge virtual agent designed to handle up to 72% of your webstore queries instantly. Ava goes beyond the capabilities of a standard AI chatbot. By harnessing advanced AI, automation, and seamless

Important Etsy Integration Announcement

by Noor Saleh
Hi there, We have some important news that to share about using the Etsy integration in eDesk. Etsy's API Update In our continuous effort to safeguard shopper privacy, Etsy has announced a significant change. Starting from February 5,