Automatically tag tickets when a template is sent
by Clodagh Callan
We have added a new option in Template settings. You can now select a tag which will be assigned to the ticket when the template is used. This will help you easily find tickets which received an out of hours template for example!timestamp1706013309158
Amazon Fulfillment type on order panel
by Evan De Vere Hunt
We now display the Amazon Fulfillment type on the Order Panel in the ticket. So whether it’s MFN, MFN Prime, or FBA you’ll see it in the order panel.
Find reports quickly with Report Extract filters
by Clodagh Callan
As your list of generated reports grows, find reports quickly based on specific criteria, making it a easier to locate and access the reports that matter most to you.
You can now filter by when the report was requested and the report
We added a "Negative Feedback" view
by Product Team
The faster you respond to a negative review (whether that’s your seller rating, product review or customer feedback) the more likely you can address your shopper’s original issue such that they might remove or amend their review and keeptimestamp1701183931279
Shopify duplicate order action
by Evan De Vere Hunt
You can now duplicate Shopify orders directly within eDesk. When you click duplicate on the order panel within a ticket it will open the Shopify duplicate modal, where you can:
change quantities
apply a global discount (percentage or
Exciting news! We've just launched Bol.com on our app store.
by Evan De Vere Hunt
Bol.com is a leading online marketplace in the Netherlands and Belgium, known for a wide range of products including electronics, books, toys, and much more. Originating in the Netherlands, it has become a household name in both
Tracking Code Mapping
by Evan De Vere Hunt
Map your tracking codes to the correct tracking link.
eDesk's Tracking Code Mapping streamlines the way you manage ‘where’s my order’ queries in eDesk, offering a significant leap in efficiency for your customer support operations. By
Copy Order and SKU to clipboard
by Darren Heaphy
If the order attached to the ticket shows the product SKU/s and/or the order number then you can copy that to your clipboard for searching or referencing in other systems (even if the SKU is too long show in the interface) 👍
You can now resize the chat widget icon
by Darren Heaphy
In addition to the range of configuration options of the widget icon (where to show, when to show it) we’ve now added the ability for you to resize it, this might be necessary when the widget icon is obscuring too much of your content.