eDesk Updates

Updated Chat Insights with Enhanced Chatbot Details!

by Maura C
Our latest update to Chat Insights now offers deeper analysis of your Chatbot usage. Instantly see how many chats were fully handled by Ava, how many were managed (or missed) by agents, and how many tickets were created from live chats

CDiscount tracking now available!

by Maura C
We can now pull in tracking information for all your CDiscount orders, making it easier to respond to customers. Use #tracking_code or #tracking_code_link snippets in your templates or directly in replies to quickly populate CDiscount

Enhanced chatbot Q&A report for deeper insights!

by Maura C
We've upgraded our chatbot Q&A report in report extracts with valuable new columns, including chat creation date, links to the widget, and most importantly, links to the content hub articles used, along with their confidence scores.

Improved Snooze Ticket Functionality!

by Maura C
We've improved our snooze tickets feature! We now have a more user-friendly calendar, making it easier to navigate between months. Plus, the current date is now the earliest you can select for snoozing a ticket, reducing the chance of

Enhanced Chat Prompts for Better Engagement!

by Maura C
Our latest improvement ensures that Chat Prompts on your website will now display when a Chatbot is enabled, regardless of agent availability. This gives your customers more chances to interact with the Chatbot, increasing the likelihood