eDesk API integration v2

We’ve released v2 of our eDesk API, which will enable you to have seamless communication between eDesk and the rest of your eCommerce tech stack that is not already natively available on our App Store!
What does our API do?
Our API allows other applications - whether they are custom-built or eCommerce B2B systems - to communicate with eDesk and vice versa, and do actions like create new tickets, update existing tickets, request ticket or order information, and much, much more.
What are the benefits of using it?
Leveraging our API enables you to automate customer support processes and streamline communication and ensure accurate data flow between eDesk and your other systems in real-time.
Automate processes within eDesk for increased efficiency
Eliminate data silos and enhance data sharing without human intervention
Enhance context for your agents within eDesk with data transfer from other systems for faster resolution times
Reduce costs by removing the need for duplicate data entry, access more data from a single interface
Great! Would this be relevant and helpful for me?
If you are using an Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for your eCommerce operations, then this update is definitely worth exploring! It will enable you to connect those systems you have to the eDesk app via the API - allowing you to streamline your workflow by sending and receiving information from both apps seamlessly.
Some use cases are:
If you have an external number for example relating to orders in your system that agents wish to connect with orders in eDesk for their reference, they could add this number as a custom field within eDesk. More information could be found about what you can do with the API in this article.
If you have a customer order management system which you use to process orders for your web store, you could send these orders to eDesk via the Orders section in eDesk.
To find out more, head on over to https://developers.edesk.com/ 🧑💻⛓
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